State of Wellness: Safety Culture

NYSIF PPE Proper Fit Credit

New! NYSIF is offering a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) proper fit premium credit to its workers’ comp policyholders. PPE is essential for workers to perform job related duties safely and efficiently. Ill-fitting PPE compromises safety and may discourage employees from using such equipment in the workplace. Historically, manufacturers and suppliers have produced and sold protective equipment designed to fit average-sized men, making proper-fitting PPE particularly important for smaller construction workers, including some women, who may not be able to use standard size PPE. Fit problems can also affect larger workers, especially with regard to the size of certain harnesses. Providing PPE for a variety of bodies is a matter of both safety and gender equity.

This is a one-time credit of up to 10% of annual premium (capped at $1,000) for the purchase of related safety equipment and materials. Eligible equipment includes masks, goggles, gloves, head covers and other safety-related items.


  • Current NYSIF policyholder
  • Contracting class codes only, for policies with $10,000 in estimated premium or less
  • Applicable to purchases made during policy periods 4/1/23 or later

Talk to your policy rep for details.

Management Commitment

The best way to control workers' comp costs is to prevent injuries in the workplace. Fewer injuries mean less lost time, more productivity and fewer costly claims. Accomplishing this requires a management commitment to the safety and health of employees.

Management commitment supports safety efforts and encourages worker participation in your safety program. A commitment to safety should be expressed in a clear, simple statement of policy to all employees. A written Safety Policy Statement and a comprehensive, written safety program allows businesses of all sizes to make known their safety commitment to workers.

Demonstrating this commitment fosters a safety culture where workers, supervisors and management promote safety and prevent workplace injuries. The written Safety Policy Statement should be posted in a conspicuous location, distributed to all workers and included in employee orientations.

Elements of a Written Safety Policy

A good safety policy states:

  • Employee safety is a continuing responsibility of all executive and supervisory personnel.
  • Safety will be reinforced by an emphasis on training in safe work practices and hazard elimination.
  • Employees must follow all workplace health and safety rules.
  • Employees can report unsafe conditions and behavior without fear of reprisal.

Caution: Merely stating such a policy will not make it effective. Management, supervisors and employees must abide by it.

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