Safety Committees

Successful Safety Committees:

  • Review accident reports
  • Perform periodic safety surveys
  • Make recommendations to eliminate hazards or correct unsafe behaviors
  • Promote safety education and training
  • Demonstrate safety equipment and procedures
  • Have input from employees, supervisors and management
  • Take action as required; they don't just exist on paper

Committee Participation

To be effective, committees should consist of both management and labor. In smaller businesses, a few people representing labor and management should meet regularly to discuss safety issues. Larger organizations may require more than one committee.

Effective Committees

An effective safety committee must have management support to carry out its responsibilities. Regularly scheduled meetings in which all committee participate usually are more effective and help maintain interest in safety programs. It is important to rotate in new members for fresh ideas and energy. Each meeting should have an agenda. The committee’s focus should be on safety, and only safety.

NYSIF Can Help

NYSIF risk control consultants can provide educational resources and consult with you on establishing your safety committee, or reactivating a dormant one. However, your committee, like your safety program, is your responsibility. While outside assistance may help, rely on your own resources for its continuing operation and growth.

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