Employer's Role in Workers' Comp Claims

New York State Employees: The options below are not applicable to you. Please use the New York State Accident Reporting System to report your injury.

File a Report of Injury/Illness: Two Options

  • Report the injury online via NYSIF eFROI (electronic first report of injury).
    Use our eFROI Worksheet to help you submit your report or view our comprehensive eFROI User Guide.


  • Call the 24/7 Accident Reporting Hotline phone at 1-844-879-2692.
    The Accident Reporting Hotline (ARH) offers your injured employee the opportunity to speak to a nurse triage specialist. The nurse will provide an immediate assessment of the injury and provide a recommendation for the most appropriate level of care. Download our ARH resource kit in English or Spanish.

Reporting the injury to NYSIF fulfills your responsibility to report the injury to the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB).

Employers must file a report of work-related injury or illness with NYSIF immediately upon becoming aware of the injury or illness, and no later than 10 days after the employer’s knowledge of the injury or illness, in all cases where the injury/illness:
  • Has caused or will cause the employee’s loss of time from regular duties of one day beyond the workday or shift during which the incident occurred, or
  • Has required or will require medical treatment beyond ordinary first aid, or more than two treatments by a person rendering first aid

The employer's role is critically important in the claims process, and the employer must provide details of the accident and verify the injured worker's account of the incident or illness.

Note: Employees have 30 days to notify employers of an injury and two years to file a report of injury or illness. 

Review previously filed eFROI submissions.

First-Aid Option

Employers may handle non-reportable, minor injuries as first aid cases. In such cases, instruct claimants and medical providers to send medical bills directly to you for prompt payment so your claims history is unaffected. Notify NYSIF, if necessary. Note: If the injury escalates to a lost time case, or exceeds two medical treatments, you must immediately file a claim with NYSIF and the WCB.

Filing Questionable Injury/Illness Reports

The WCB may hold statements made in the report binding. If you question a claim, start the report with "It is alleged that..." or "The employee claims that..." Contact NYSIF if you are suspicious about a claim, or whenever new information about a claim comes to your attention.

Claimant Information Packet

Employers must give injured workers a Claimant Information Packet when filing claims.


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