April 21, 2016
In our continuing effort to enable quicker and easier access to policy documents and to reduce the volume of paper communications, the New York State Insurance Fund will now provide electronic access to policy information pages to safety group managers, brokers, agents and representatives who service NYSIF workers' compensation policyholders.
Information pages such as declarations, renewals, rebills and audit information will be available to insurance representatives through their NYSIF online accounts beginning today, April 21, 2016.
NYSIF plans to discontinue mailing information pages to policyholder representatives later this year. Policyholders will continue to receive paper versions of documents. NYSIF is working on adding a notification feature to alert customers when policy documents are available online, which will be rolled out in the near future. Insurance representatives will continue to receive paper notifications and will be notified in advance before paper mailings are discontinued.
For technical support, please contact NYSIF’s Help Desk at sifhd@nysif.com or (877) 435-7743.