About Your Claim

NYSIF assigns a case manager to each claimant to coordinate appropriate medical treatment and timely compensation payments.

If You Are Injured

Tell the employer or supervisor about the injury as soon as possible. Failure to notify the employer, in writing, within 30 days after the accident date may result in a denial of benefits. File Form C-3 with the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB).

For an occupational disease, the claimant must give notice to the employer within two years of disablement, or within two years after the claimant knew or should have known that the disease was work-related.

An injured worker may choose any WCB-authorized physician or medical provider to provide medical treatment.

  • Do not pay a fee directly to the doctor or medical provider.
  • Follow doctor’s instructions to speed recovery.
  • To expedite the claim process, provide NYSIF details about your injury, treatment and prognosis when contacted.
  • Follow up with your employer to provide specifics about when you will be able to return to work, any changes in your ability to work, or your work status.
  • Be aware the medical provider may require you to sign a form guaranteeing payment for a disallowed claim if a claim is disputed by NYSIF or the employer.
  • Attend any independent medical examination (IME) if requested.
  • Attend hearings if notified to appear.

See Network Benefits for information about medical network and pharmacy network benefits.


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