Forms & Online User Guides

NYSIF Online Account User Guides

Policyholders Medical Providers
Policyholders - Report WC or DB Payroll Third-Party Billers
Brokers/Agents Certificate Holders
Claimants GET A QUOTE

If you are a prospective or current policyholder and received an eSignature form request from NYSIF, please note it will appear in your inbox as "Electronic Form via DocuSign," with the name of the form as the subject line.


Access frequently-used workers' compensation and disability benefits forms below. Many of the forms link directly to the Workers' Compensation Board website.

Form Name/Description
eQuote/eApplication Electronic Quote System and Online Application - application for workers' compensation insurance.
UE-4 Application for Workers' Compensation Insurance (paper form)
UE-4D Application for Workers' Compensation Insurance for Domestic Household Workers (paper form)
C-105 Workers’ Compensation Law requires you to post your C-105 Notice of Compliance in all business locations.
U-3, U-3a Assignment (Transfer) of Policy Interest Agreement
U-111, U-111a Request for Inclusion of Additional Interest must be completed for each entity, signed by a principal or executive officer of the entity you wish to add, and returned to NYSIF. Coverage is not issued unless the same person, group or corporation owns more than 50% of each entity.
U-431 Notice of Election of an Incorporated Religious, Charitable, Educational, or U.S. War Veterans Organization to bring Executive Officers Under the Coverage of the NY Workers’ Compensation Law - submit to NYSIF whenever a certified new or additional executive officer is included for coverage.
U-435 Notice of Election of a Municipal Corporation or Other Political Subdivision of the State to Bring Executive Officers Under the Coverage of the NY Workers’ Compensation Law - submit to NYSIF whenever a certified new or additional executive officer is included for coverage.
U-445 Experience Rating Plan Request for Information - submit to NYSIF in duplicate, necessary for completion of NY Compensation Insurance Rating Board experience records.
U-617, U-619 Notice to Corporations with One or Two Executive Officers Who Own All of the Corporation’s Stock - submit to NYSIF for sole/dual executive officer exclusion from workers' compensation coverage.
U-626, U-627 (2023) Notice of Election of a Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership, Professional Limited Liability Partnership, Limited Liability Company, Professional Limited Liability Company or Sole Proprietorship to Bring Partners, Members or Self-Employed Persons Under Coverage of the NY Workers’ Compensation Law - submit to NYSIF when electing to cover any referenced party.
U-626, U-627 (2024) Notice of Election of a Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership, Professional Limited Liability Partnership, Limited Liability Company, Professional Limited Liability Company or Sole Proprietorship to Bring Partners, Members or Self-Employed Persons Under Coverage of the NY Workers’ Compensation Law - submit to NYSIF when electing to cover any referenced party.
U-629 Notice of Election of a Not-for-Profit Corporation or a Not-for-Profit Unincorporated Association to Exclude an Unsalaried Executive Officer from Coverage Pursuant to Section 54, Subdivision 6 of the NY Workers’ Compensation Law - submit to NYSIF when electing to cover any referenced party.
U-21.1 Volunteer Firefighters' Application for workers’ compensation insurance coverage.
U-718 Volunteer Ambulance Workers’ Application for workers’ compensation insurance coverage.
U-765 Roofing Contractors Supplemental Questionnaire (attach to Form UE-4, Application for Workers’ Compensation Insurance) - required for businesses engaged in the installation or repair of residential or commercial building roofs.
U-766 Building Demolition Supplemental Questionnaire - required to obtain a demolition certificate of insurance.
U-89 Standard request for workers' compensation policy cancellation (See: About Your Policy: Cancellations)
Form Name/Description

C-2F (paper form for reference purposes)
Electronic First Report of Work-Related Injury/Illness - filed by the employer within 10 days of knowledge of a work-related injury/illness that:
  • has caused or will cause the injured employee’s loss of time from regular duties of one day beyond the workday or shift in which the accident occurred; or
  • has required or will require medical treatment beyond ordinary first aid, or more than two treatments by a person rendering first aid.
New York State Agency Entity Claimant Info Packet   Claimant Information Packet (English) Must be provided by the NYS Agency Entity (policy 240960) to the injured state employee upon notification to the Department of Civil Service Accident Reporting System.
Claimant Info Packet Claimant Information Packet (English) Must be provided by the employer to the injured employee before filing First Report of Injury (FROI-00).
حزمة معلومات المدعي  Claimant Information Packet (Arabic) 
Compendio Información Reclamante Claimant Information Packet (Spanish)
Guide rapide pour les travailleurs blessés  Claimant Information Packet (French) 
Aplikasyon enfòmasyon Paquet Claimant Information Packet (Haitian-Creole)
Pacchetto di informazioni richiedente Claimant Information Packet (Italian)
קליימאַנט אינפֿאָרמאַציע פּאַקאַט Claimant Information Packet (Yiddish)
Wnioskodawca pakiet informacji Claimant Information Packet (Polish)
Пачка Информации Претендента Claimant Information Packet (Russian)
索賠人信息包 Claimant Information Packet (Chinese) 
청구인 정보 패킷 Claimant Information Packet (Korean) 
দাবিদার তথ্য প্যাকেট Claimant Information Packet (Bengali) 
فوری گائیڈ برائے زخمی کارکنان  Claimant Information Packet (Urdu)
C-11 Employer's Report of Injured Employee's Change in Employment Status Resulting From Injury - file to report an injured employee’s change in employment status including return to work, discontinuance, or increase or decrease of regular work hours.
C-107 Employer's Request for Reimbursement - file for reimbursement for wages paid to an injured employee.
C-240 Employer's Statement of Wage Earnings Preceding Date of Accident - failure to file within 10 days of request by the WCB may result in penalties.
C-240 Instructions Step-by-step instructions on completing form C-240.
C-256.2  New York State Agency's Request for Reimbursement - file for reimbursement for wages paid to an injured state employee. 
Notification Concerning Workers' Compensation Pharmacy Benefits

PBM Notice to Post

 اﻹﺧطﺎر ﺑﺷﺄن
ﻓواﺋد ﺻﯾدﻟﯾﺎت ﺗﻌوﯾض اﻟﻌﻣﺎل
PBM Notice to Post (Arabic) 
কর্মচারীদের ক্ষতিপুরনে ফার্মেসীর প্রদেয় সুমেগ সুবিধা সম্পর্কিত বিজ্ঞপ্তি PBM Notice to Post (Bengali)
Aviso Importante Referente A Beneficios de Farmacias Para Compensación Obrera PBM Notice to Post (Spanish)  
工伤赔偿药房福利公告 PBM Notice to Post (Chinese)  
Notification concernant les prestations pharmaceutiques d'indemnisation des accidents du travail   PBM Notice to Post (French)
Comunicazione Su Prestazioni Fornite Da Farmacie In Caso Di Indennità Per Infortuni Sul Lavoro PBM Notice to Post (Italian)  
근로자의 보상 의약품 혜택 관련 안내문 PBM Notice to Post (Korean)  
Powiadomienie Dotyczące Świadczeń Farmaceutycznych W Ramach Odszkodowania Pracowniczego PBM Notice to Post (Polish)  
ﮐﺎرﮐﻨﺎن ﮐﮯ ﻣﻌﺎوﺿﮯ ﮐﯽ ﻣﺪ ﻣﯿﮟ
ﻓﺎرﻣﯿﺴﯽ ﮐﮯ ﻓﻮاﺋﺪ ﮐﮯ ﺣﻮاﻟﮯ ﺳﮯ ﻧﻮﮢﯿﻔﮑﯿﺸﻦ  
PBM Notice to Post (Urdu)
ודעה בנוגע די אַרבעטער פֿאַרגיטיקונג אַפּטייקן-בענעפֿיטס  PBM Notice to Post (Yiddish) 
Form/Language Name/Description
C-3 (English) Employee's Claim for Compensation - filed by the employee when making a claim within two years of injury/illness, or within two years after employee knew or should have known that injury or illness was related to employment.
C-3 Translations Employee's Claim for Compensation
C-3.1 (English) Notice of Right to Select a Workers' Compensation Board Authorized Health Care Provider - Completed by claimant, retained by employer, providing notice of the right to use any WCB authorized medical provider at any time for treatment (included with Claimant Information Packet). Do not submit to the WCB.
C-3.1 Translations Notice of Right to Select a Workers' Compensation Board Authorized Health Care Provider 
C-3.3 (English) Limited Release of Health Information HIPAA
C-3.3 Translations Limited Release of Health Information HIPAA
CLT-REIMB 2024 (English)
Claimant’s Record of Medical and Travel Expenses - Used by claimant to keep a record of reimbursable expenses in a workers' comp case. Present the form with receipts at hearings.
DD-APP-WCF Direct Deposit Application - We encourage you create an online account and enroll online. This is a paper form that needs to be submitted via mail to NYSIF.
DD-APP-WCF (Arabic) إيداع مباشر
DD-APP-WCF  দাবিদার সরাসরি আমানত (Bengali) 
DD-APP-WCF   다이렉트 디파짓 (Korean)
DD-APP-WCF  Dépôt direct (French)
DD-APP-WCF   Depo Dirèk (Haitian Creole)
 Depósito directo (Spanish)
 Accredito diretto (Italian)
Depozyt Bezpośredni (Polish)
DD-APP-WCF  Зачисление средств на счет (Russian)
DD-APP-WCF 直接存款 (Traditional Chinese)
DD-APP-WCF (Urdu) براه راست ڈپاز ٹ
DD-APP-WCF (Yiddish) דירעקטער אײַנצאָל
OC-110A (English) Claimant's Authorization to Disclose Workers' Compensation Records (WCL Section 110-a) - must be submitted with original signature.
Claimant's Authorization to Disclose Workers' Compensation Records (WCL Section 110-a)
Form Name/Description

(formerly C-4, C-4.1,
C-4.2, C-5, PS-4 or OT/PT-4)
Attending Doctor/Ophthalmologist/Occupational/Physical Therapist Report - physician files as follows:
  • initial report within 48 hours of first treatment;
  • 15-day report within 17 days of first treatment;
  • 45-day progress report at 45-day intervals while continuing treatment
Continuation to Carrier/Employer Billing Section C-4, C-5, PS-4 or OT/PT-4- Used for more than six dates of service.
C-4.3 Doctor's Report of MMI/Permanent Impairment
C-64 Proof of Death by Physician Last in Attendance on Deceased - filed upon death of a claimant, or when requested by WCB.
C-72.1 Record of Percentage Hearing Loss - filed upon completion of an audiometric test battery.
FCE-4 Practitioner’s Report of Functional Capacity Evaluation - determines the level of safe maximal function at the time of maximum medical improvement.
W9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (IRS)
Form Name/Description
Disability Benefits Law & Paid Family Leave Law Notices of Compliance - must be posted in all business locations to show proof of disability benefits and paid family leave insurance.
UDB-36 (2025) Application for NYSIF Disability Benefits & Paid Family Leave Insurance - submit with deposit to NYSIF to apply for disability benefits/PFL insurance.
UDB-37 Assignment of Interest Agreement - transfers or assigns the interest in a DB policy to another legal entity.
UDB-89  Request for voluntary cancellation of disability benefits policy (See: Cancelling a Policy)
UDB-112 (2025) Request for Inclusion of Additional Interest - submit to NYSIF, signed by a principal or executive officer of both the existing and new company, to add an entity to a DB policy.
DB-135 Employer’s Application for Voluntary Coverage (No Employee Contribution) - submit to WCB DB Bureau, Schenectady, NY, to provide coverage at no cost to employees for whom DB is not required.
PFL-135 Employer’s Application for Voluntary Coverage (No Employee Contribution) - submit to WCB DB Bureau, Schenectady, NY, to provide coverage at no cost to employees for whom PFL is not required.
DB-136 Employer’s Application for Voluntary Coverage (Employee Contribution) - submit to WCB DB Bureau, Schenectady, NY, to provide coverage to employees for whom DB is not required, but for which they agree to contribute.
PFL-136 Employer’s Application for Voluntary Coverage (Employee Contribution) - submit to WCB DB Bureau, Schenectady, NY, to provide coverage to employees for whom PFL is not required, but for which they agree to contribute.
DB-212.3 Notice of Election of a Corporation Which is Required to Have Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Coverage for its Employees to Exclude the Sole Shareholder Officer or One of the Two or Both Shareholder Officers of the Corporation from Such Coverage - submit to NYSIF to exclude officers from DB & PFL coverage, or to WCB DB Bureau, Schenectady, NY, if you are an approved self-insured employer.
DB-212.5 Notice of Election to Voluntarily Exclude Spouse from Coverage - submit to WCB DB Bureau, Schenectady, NY, to voluntarily exclude spouse from DB & PFL coverage.
UDB-SOC Selection of Disability Benefits Insurance Coverage Change Form - submit to NYSIF to change coverage for DB policyholders.
Form Name/Description
DB-271S  Statement of Rights for Disability Benefits - Employers must provide the Employee Statement of Rights to employees if they are unable to work due to a non-occupational illness or injury. 
DB-271S (Translations) Statement of Rights for Disability Benefits
PFL-271S Statement of Rights for Paid Family Leave - Employers must provide the Employee Statement of Rights to employees when they take Paid Family Leave or take time off from work for a Paid Family Leave qualifying event, but have not requested PFL.
PFL-271S (Translations) Statement of Rights for Paid Family Leave
PFL-Waiver Employee Paid Family Leave Opt-Out & Waiver of Benefits - Provide to the employee if he/she does not expect to work long enough to qualify for Paid Family Leave (a seasonal worker, for example) to opt out of PFL.
PFL-DC-130 Employer's Response to Paid Family Leave Discrimination/Retaliation Complaint- Within 30 days of receiving a notice of Paid Family Leave Discrimination/Retaliation complaint (form PFL-DC-129) from the Board, employers must complete and submit this form to the Board or risk waiver of your defenses. Mail this form to Paid Family Leave, PO Box 9030, Endicott, NY 13761-9030.
PFL Employer Checklist NYSIF PFL Checklist for Employers - to assist NYSIF DB/PFL policyholders in complying with PFL requirements
عربى  (Arabic) قائمة التحقق من صاحب العمل إجازة عائلية مدفوعة الأجر
বাঙালি বেতনভুক্ত পারিবারিক ছুটি নিয়োগকর্তার চেকলিস্ট (Bengali)
한국어 PAID FAMILY LEAVE (간병유급휴직) 고용인 체크리스트 (Korean)
繁體字 帶薪探親假雇主清單 (Traditional Chinese)
اردو   (Urdu) ادا ﺷﺪه ﺧﺎﻧﺪاﻧﯽ ﭼﮭﭩﯽ آﺟﺮ ﮐﯽ ﭼﯿﮏ ﻟﺴﭧ
 יידיש  (Yiddish) באַצאָלטער משפּחה אורלויב קאָנטראָלירקע פֿאַר אַרבעט געבער 
Form Name/Description
DB-450 Notice and Proof of Claim for Disability Benefits - Submit to NYSIF if you become disabled while employed or within four weeks after termination, and no later than 30 days after you become sick or disabled. Part C (employer’s statement) must be completed by the employer and include the employer's NYSIF DB policy number.
DB-450 Translations Notice and Proof of Claim for Disability Benefits
NYSIF SCOVID File a Disability and/or Paid Family Leave claim for yourself due to COVID-19 Quarantine/Isolation (included: SCOVID, NYSIF PFL-1)
NYSIF CCOVID File a Paid Family Leave claim to care for a Minor Dependent Child due to COVID-19 Quarantine/Isolation (included: CCOVID, NYSIF PFL-1) 
NYSIF PFL BONDING Pre-file or file a Paid Family Leave claim to Bond with a Newborn, a Newly Adopted Child or Fostered Child (included: Claimant Checklist, NYSIF PFL-1 & NYSIF PFL-2)
NYSIF PFL BONDING-S Spanish --- Pre-file or file a Paid Family Leave claim to Bond with a Newborn, a Newly Adopted Child or Fostered Child (included: Claimant Checklist, NYSIF PFL-1 & NYSIF PFL-2)
PFL BONDING Translations  File a Paid Family Leave claim to Bond with a Newborn, a Newly Adopted Child or Fostered Child
NYSIF PFL CARE Pre-file or file a Paid Family Leave claim to Care for a Family Member with Serious Health Condition (included: Claimant Checklist, NYSIF PFL-1, NYSIF PFL-3, NYSIF PFL-4A & NYSIF PFL-4B)
NYSIF PFL CARE-S Spanish --- Pre-file or file a Paid Family Leave claim to Care for a Family Member with Serious Health Condition (included: Claimant Checklist, NYSIF PFL-1, NYSIF PFL-3, NYSIF PFL-4A & NYSIF PFL-4B)
PFL CARE Translations File a Paid Family Leave claim to Care for a Family Member with Serious Health Condition 
NYSIF PFL MILITARY  Pre-file or file a Paid Family Leave claim to Assist with Matters Arising from a Family Member's Call to Active Duty or Deployment (included: Claimant Checklist, NYSIF PFL-1, NYSIF PFL-5 & NYSIF PFL-5T)
NYSIF PFL MILITARY-S Spanish --- Pre-file or file a Paid Family Leave claim to Assist with Matters Arising from a Family Member's Call to Active Duty or Deployment (included: Claimant Checklist, NYSIF PFL-1, NYSIF PFL-5 & NYSIF PFL-5T) 
PFL MILITARY Translations  File a Paid Family Leave claim to Assist with Matters Arising from a Family Member's Call to Active Duty or Deployment
PFL-DC-119 Employee Formal Request for Reinstatement Regarding Paid Family Leave - submit to formally request reinstatement to the same or comparable position from their employer.
PFL-DC-120 Employee Paid Family Leave Discrimination/Retaliation Complaint - submit a PFL-DC-120 when the employer has not replied within 30 days or they were not satisfied with the employer’s response to their Formal Request for Reinstatement Regarding Paid Family Leave (PFL-DC-119).
DD-APP-DBL English  NYSIF offers online direct deposit enrollment for disability benefits claimants.
DD-APP-DBL Arabic  إيداع مباشر
DD-APP-DBL-Bengali NYSIF নিউ ইয়র্ক স্টেট বীমা তহবিল অক্ষমতাহেতু ক্ষতিপুরন দাবীর প্রদেয় অর্থ সরাসরি জমাদানের সুযোগ দিচ্ছে।
DD-APP-DBL Spanish  NYSIF ofrece un depósito directo para que las personas que soliciten beneficios por discapacidad puedan recibirlos.
DD-APP-DBL Chinese  紐約州保險基金 (NYSIF) 提供直接付款方式,供殘障福利金申領人取得殘障福利金
DD-APP-DBL-French   La NYSIF offre le dépôt direct aux demandeurs de prestations d'invalidité pour qu'ils puissent recevoir leurs prestations d'invalidité.
DD-APP-DBL Haitian-Creole NYSIF ofri a moun k ap reklame avantaj pou andikap (disability benefits) pou yo resevwa avantaj pou andikap yo a nan depo dirèk.
DD-APP-DBL Italian  Il Fondo di garanzia dello Stato di New York (New York State Insurance Fund, NYSIF) offre ai richiedenti di sussidi di invalidità la possibilità di ricevere l’accredito diretto.
DD-APP-DBL Korean  NYSIF는 장애인 수당 청구인이 장애인 수당을 받을 수 있는 자동이체 서비스를 제공합니다.
DD-APP-DBL Polish  NYSIF oferuje opcję przelewu bankowego zasiłku z tytułu niezdolności do pracy dla osób ubiegających się o tego typu świadczenia.
DD-APP-DBL Russian  NYSIF предлагает получателям пособия по нетрудоспособности воспользоваться прямым переводом на счет выплат по этому пособию.
DD-APP-DBL Urdu   براہ راست ڈپازٹ
DD-APP-DBL Yiddish   ניו יארק סטעיט אינשורענס קאסע דירעקט דעפּאזיט אויטאריזאציע אפליקאצי ע
Form Name/Description
VF-1 Notice to Liable Political Subdivision of Volunteer Firefighter’s Injury or Death - submitted by the injured party to fire company or political subdivision liable for benefits within 90 days after date of injury or death (unless form VF-3 or VF-62 is filed within that period).
VF-3 Volunteer Firefighter's Claim for Benefits - submit to the WCB to file a claim for benefits.
VF-62 Claim for Volunteer Firefighter Benefits in a Death Case - submit to WCB to file a claim for benefits in a death case.
VF/VAW-11C Volunteer's Notification of Executive Officer of Fire/Ambulance Company of Significant Risk of Transmission of HIV Per VFBL/VAWBL Section 11-c(1)
Form Name/Description
VAW-1 Notice to Liable Political Subdivision of Volunteer Ambulance Worker's Injury or Death - submitted by the injured party to political subdivision liable for benefits within 90 days after date of injury or death (unless form VAW-3 or VAW-62 is filed within that period).
VAW-3 Volunteer Ambulance Worker's Claim for Benefits - submit to the WCB to file a claim for benefits.
VAW-62 Claim for Volunteer Ambulance Workers' Benefits in a Death Case - submit to WCB to file a claim for benefits in a death case.
VF/VAW-11C Volunteer's Notification of Executive Officer of Fire/Ambulance Company of Significant Risk of Transmission of HIV Per VFBL/VAWBL Section 11-c(1)

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