A New, Free Resource from NYSIF to Help You Manage Risk

We’re pleased to announce that NYSIF has launched a new Risk Control Resource Center. NYSIF developed this online safety resource and training portal to help businesses keep their employees safe. NYSIF online account holders now have access to a host of valuable information, tools and training, including:

  • Industry-specific safety manuals
  • Tips on how to reduce/manage accidents and injuries
  • Online safety classes for employees
  • Employee training videos
  • Ergonomic and hazard communication resources/training materials
  • And more!

Businesses can also request site inspections, safety consultations and other risk control services. Go to your online account to take advantage of this innovative resource at no additional cost. If you are a master account holder, we encourage you to add your company safety manager or risk control specialist as a nysif.com authorized user so they, too, can access this valuable info.

To access the NYSIF Risk Control Resource Center, log in to your online account and click the link from your landing page. To add an authorized user, choose Account Management from your home page once you've logged in.

Having problems accessing the site? Email RiskControl@nysif.com for assistance. For the best experience, use Chrome or Edge to access the Resource Center.


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