Get all the information you need about your workers’ compensation claim* right at your fingertips. Download our new NYSIF Claim Mobile App for quick and easy access to real-time information about your claim(s), including:
- Check/Payment Status
- NYSIF Claim & WCB Number
- Case Manager Contact Information
- Claim Status
- Hearing Dates & Medical Exam Schedule (with notifications)
- Expanded Payment History
- One-touch Rx Card Access
- Direct Deposit Set-up Link
The NYSIF Claim Mobile App can provide mobile alerts when a payment is issued or a hearing or independent medical exam is scheduled. Get quick access to important information about your claim like the last and next scheduled payment and your case manager’s phone and email address.
- Already have a nysif.com online account? Use your username and password to log in to the app.
- Don't have an online account yet? You can quickly create an account in the NYSIF Claim app to get started. You will need your NYSIF claim number and a valid email address to begin. Beneficiaries will be prompted to enter the claim number of the deceased claimant, but for all other required information (SSN, DOB, Zip), the beneficiary should enter their own information.
- Need further help? Our User Guide has step-by-step instructions.
*The mobile app is not yet available for Aggregate Trust Fund (ATF) claimants.