Timothy Koester, Chief Actuary: With over 30+ years of experience as an actuary, Tim joined NYSIF in 2017 as its Chief Actuary. Prior to joining NYSIF, Tim held various actuarial leadership positions in the property & casualty industry, including most recently serving as a Vice President within Liberty Mutual’s personal lines division. He also served as Chief Actuary for ManagedComp Insurance Company, a monoline workers’ compensation insurer with an emphasis on managed care. Tim spent 11 years as a consultant with an emphasis on workers’ compensation self-insurance, reserve and funding levels, loss portfolio transfers and rate filings.
Tim started his career in workers’ compensation at the Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Rating & Inspection Bureau. Tim graduated from the University of Chicago with a BA in statistics. He was admitted as a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA) in 1992 and became a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society (FCAS) in 1996.