Policyholder Responsibilities

Disability Benefits and Paid Family Leave

NYSIF’s support for New York businesses and their employees extends to providing short-term Disability Benefits (DB) and Paid Family Leave (PFL). DB provides income in case an employee can’t work due to an off-the-job injury or illness, while PFL provides paid time off for an employee to care for a family member.

PFL is offered as a New York State mandated rider, or add-on, to Disability Benefits policies. PFL is not offered in a standalone policy.

DB claimants are eligible for a statutory rate of 50% of their weekly wages up to a maximum benefit of $170 per week for up to 26 weeks. Employers can elect to provide enriched benefits, which provide greater maximum benefits at marginally higher premium costs.

Paid Family Leave Benefits PFL currently provides 67% of an employee’s weekly pay up to a maximum weekly benefit amount of $1,177 for up to 12 weeks (2025 rate).

Certificate of Insurance

A Certificate of Insurance certifies that you have a valid disability benefits insurance policy. The certificate can be filed with any entity requesting it, including a government agency issuing a permit, license, or contract. NYSIF DB policyholders can download and print a certificate in just minutes if they have an online account at nysif.com, or by directly emailing us at certificates@nysif.com.

Employees Can Share Costs

Employers can elect to pay the total cost of DB coverage or share those costs with employees. New York State Law allows (but does not require) employers to deduct one-half of one percent of an employee’s wage, up to a maximum of $.60 per week, to help offset the cost of disability benefits insurance.

You can change disability benefits coverage annually prior to renewal by completing the Selection of Disability Benefits Insurance Coverage Change Form UDB-SOC.

Report Fraud

Disability benefits fraud impacts all of us. It can occur on the part of a claimant, medical provider or policyholder. Help NYSIF combat fraud by confidentially and anonymously reporting it to NYSIF. You can also report disability benefits fraud via our Fraud Hotline at 1-877-WCNYSIF (1-877-926-9743).

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