NYSIF Board of Commissioners

Creation under Statute:

The NYSIF Board of Commissioners is created under New York State Workers’ Compensation Law, Section 77.
Eleven Board members are appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the State Senate. The Board includes, by virtue of the office, the Commissioner of Labor. The remaining 10 members must be NYSIF policyholders and are appointed for staggered three-year terms. The Chair and Vice Chair are voted upon by the Board. One commissioner is appointed by the Governor upon recommendation by the New York State AFL-CIO and one upon recommendation of the Business Council of New York State. Commissioners serve without compensation but are allowed the necessary and actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.


Kenneth Theobalds
Kenneth R. Theobalds
President and Managing Partner
RiverRun Partners, LLC
Eric Dinallo
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
NYSIF Commissioner S. Graham
Sean A. Graham
Senior Investment Officer
Cornell University
Navneet Kathuria
Navneet Kathuria, M.D.
CEO and President
Optimal Analytics
NYSIF Commissioner Dr. Dennis Kessler, SJD
Dr. Dennis Kessler, S.J.D.
Co-Owner, Kessler Restaurants
Clinical Professor of Entrepreneurship, U of R Simon School of Business
David Ourlicht
Managing Director & Special
Advisor to the Chair
GAMCO Asset Management
Alexis E. Thomas
CEO and Founder
Preston Hollow Consultants
Scott B. Melvin
Executive Deputy Commissioner
New York State Department of Labor

As of December 19, 2024, the NYSIF Board of Commissioners has three vacancies.


The duties of the Board of Commissioners include: the appointment of the Executive Director, General Attorney, Secretary, four Deputy Executive Directors and an Actuary. They may also appoint any number of assistant directors they deem required for the proper expeditious conduct of the business of NYSIF. The Commissioners shall consider at all times the financial condition of NYSIF and examine into its reserves, investments, and all other matters relating to its administration. The Board is authorized to modify and/or approve the Executive Director’s annual estimate of the administrative budget. The Board has statutory rulemaking mandates over certain areas of NYSIF’s business.

Under § 87-i of the New York State Workers' Compensation Law, the Board is required to report annually (June 1) to the Governor, Legislature and state chief diversity officer on the participation of MWBE asset managers, MWBE financial institutions and MWBE professional service providers in investment and brokerage transactions with NYSIF. Each report shall be simultaneously published on nysif.com for not less than 60 days following its release. NYSIF 87-i reports can be found on our News and Publications page.


View our Board of Commissioner Webcast page for links to our meeting schedule, video archive and minutes.


Travel Expenses

Contact Information:

Secretary to the Board of Commissioners
199 Church Street
New York, NY 10007

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